Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In a glimpse of an eye

Time passed so fast as if just woke up from a dream. I already stay in MMU hostel for almost half a year, sometimes feel depressed, sometimes crazy or over excited, sometimes no aim or target in life. Didn't touch blog for a long time as laziness owns me, and i think that there is nothing to write. Feel bored nowadays, computer gaming, games and games are the daily chores. Doesnt mean that those games are bored just that too much of it is sickening. Going for a camp or some other fresh new stuff with friends are most likely more entertaining. Oh well, just forget it.

It's the exam week this week, been *studying* so well for the past holiday~~ crap, just cant study at my home sweet home with my soft, chilling bed with my aroma. Try my best to study here, wanted to fly after the 2 weeks of exam. Oh yeah, i miss the swimming session too in my campus.something like this....

CannonBallsss Ready to launch~

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